silver hoardings

Sunday, June 05, 2005

ceiling fan

Dh spent the w/e putting a ceiling fan in dd's bedroom. She's been asking for one for ages now but we said she couldn't have it until her room was tidy! As in 'when hell freezes over' but it must be jolly chilly in hell right now as over the course of a month or so, since the bf left for a six month tour of duty, J has been steadily clearing out all her old stuff and making her room habitable! J helped her father install the fan as much as possible and they are both very pleased with the result.
S also installed an extractor fan in our loft. That was a mammoth event but well worth the time and trouble. It gets v. hot in the loft and that keeps the rest of the house hot too. It starts automaticly when the tempreature reaches a predetermined height, which at the moment we have set at 90*. We are lucky that this house stays cool most of the time until later in the day and although we do have AC we don't have it on more than 2 or 3 times a month during the height of summer. We have a rule that we all have to be home before it's switched on during the week! We are a little more lenient at w/e's and hopefully with the new fan we might not need it even that much!


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