silver hoardings

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Capricorn after all.

We took down the Christmas tree and all the other decorations today. We always try to keep to the traditional twelfth night otherwise know as Epiphany for doing this chore. We all worked together, even A helped by taking the things down in the office. I did the tree and the stairs and S did everything else including all the lights. Then I slipped away to cook the dinner, making sure that my contribution in this evenings activities included the meal!! I cooked a taco turkey bake which was very tasty. After A & S put the tree outside S did all the vacuuming!! S loves to vacuum although he makes a big deal out of doing it for me!! He does a much better job of it than I do. After I do it I always find somewhere I've missed but he is very thorough, he is a Capricorn after all.


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