silver hoardings

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

My printer

I have a super top of the line, well almost, printer that always seems to find ways to frustrate my creativity. Today I was trying to print on a transparency which by the way are quite expensive and although I had only printed something the day before, the printer nozzles seem to dry up and all I got was a pale printing, which could hardly be seen. So then I cleaned and did whatever was needed by the printer to clean it up and get it going again, then I printed my journalling.
I was pleased with the result until I was placing it on my page when I noticed a typo!! Why couldn't I have noticed it when I proof read it I don't know!!
So I had to redo it again. This time I'm pleased to say I can't find fault with it.

Also dh has put winzip back on my pc so I can start to collect my favourite fonts again as I lost them all in the rebuild that followed my pc getting more memory!!


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