silver hoardings

Saturday, November 27, 2004

turkey is cooked

S spent the day putting new brake pads on the van.

I cooked the turkey, at last, the old fashioned way in the oven as per my fav tv cook Delia Smith. I have had her original cookbook since I got married and if I'm ever stuck for a recipe or idea I turn to her! I have lots of cook books Another of my favs is a Betty Crocker one I bought from a neighbour for 40c at her garage sale, when I first moved to CA.
All Amerikan recipes use cups instead of ounces, 1/2 a cup of this, 1 cup of that etc So I had to buy a set of measuring cups as well and I used BC to get a grip on this method instead of weighing everything!
The turkey was very tasty and we had it with boiled potaoes, stuffing, sweetcorn and gravy.

I've started to write my Christmas cards as we recieved our first in the mail today from S's uncle in New Zealand.

I just tried to spellcheck this and some new pop up guard blocked the spelling checker pop up so if I've spelt gravy wrong don't blame me!!


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