silver hoardings

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Our cat has a poorly ear. I thought the awful ‘cat with no tail’ that attacked him at the w/e had bitten him. So this evening I decided I should take him to the vet. First I hid the cat basket in the downstairs’ loo ready for action. Then I lured Coco into the kitchen with sweet words and a cuddle. I felt such a traitor; he was purring and enjoying the attention until I took him into the loo. He started yowling and puffed himself up, with his tail like a bottlebrush! Took six attempts to get him in the basket. I tried lowering him in feet first and head first, then cornering him with the basket but he spreads out his claws and arches his back. Eventually I managed, at great personal risk, by holding his back legs and tail in one hand and his front paws in the other and lowering him into the basket, just about getting my hands out of the way to slam the door shut!
I had a very noisy trip to the vet’s, which luckily is not too far, with Coco yowling away beside me all the way.
Once at the vet's we were quickly ushered into the office and the nurse came in to see us. It took almost as long to get Coco out of the basket, as no doubt he knew exactly where he was and didn't like it at all. She took him to be weighed and then brought him back. If the door to the basket had been open Coco would have been in there like a shot! Anyway the vet came in and checked him over, looked in his ears and after cleaning some grunge out of his ears and looking at it under a microscope, the vet prescribed 2 shots and an ear wash with some drops to follow and a weeks worth of antibiotics. He had’nt been bitten but did have an infection. That'll be $189 thank you! Also Coco's teeth need cleaning and yearly shots are due, probably another $500 approx! Can't afford that at the moment! Must put toothbrush for coco on my shopping list. Coco got back into his basket without a struggle and we came home.


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