silver hoardings

Sunday, October 17, 2004

two unrelated events

First it has rained here for the first time for 181 days breaking the record for the last longest time without rain by 1 day! Yet it was hardly much more than a sprinkle where I live, in other places it caused mud slides and flooding. Never rains but it pours!!.

I certainly look forward to a few days rain after almost 6 months of sunny days. Although it doesn't feel like that long to me as we had rain for 2 weeks while on holiday in England in August!!

Second, I got accosted in Albertson's supermarket by a strange man with a young baby sitting in the cart he was pushing! 'S'cuse me Ma'm,' I heard but ignored but he was persistant and followed me along the milk aisle, 'Ma'm' I couldn't avoid him any longer and turned towards him. "Where did you get your purse?' he asked!! I thought it a very curious question to ask but told him that I got it from the Childrens Hospital Thrift shop in Poway. After one or two more questions I managed to get away but it was a little weird and I was glad to get out of the shop.
I don't normaly go to Albertsons but I only needed a couple of things and it was handy by Target where I had just been to get my son a few new t-shirts.


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