silver hoardings

Sunday, November 07, 2004

proper goodbye

Went to bed about 2:30 HP came in about 3:30! I was a little groggy and somehow thought she was my daughter garbled something and went back to sleep. When I woke up in the morning I felt dreadful!! I had promised to take a couple of people to the airport so I had to get going. Had a shower but it made no difference so I thought I'd have a little lay down but twenty minutes later I thought it might be better to go for a walk and get some fresh air. I didn't get any further than the lobby restrooms when I was sick, yuck. Sat for a while in the lobby and then went back to the room. HP told me that JB had called. She needed to know if I could take 3 people to the airport I said yes even though I still felt very bad. You have to know that I have only been sick less than, oh, 6 or 7 times in my life to know how bad I felt!! I decided to call S to the rescue and although he was still in bed my hero came through!! I went for the group photo by the pool and everyone was very kind. I told JB of the change of plan and we told my passengers!! S got to the hotel in plenty of time and we took all my stuff and put it into the Tempo and then I went to the lobby to get Amanda, Dianne and Deb. I was a bit sad that I didn't get to say a proper good bye to anyone but at least I didn't cry as I heard others had!!


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