funny thing
I went to work at my usual time Wednesday and while sitting at one of the 20 or so sets of traffic lights on my way I noticed the car in front of me's registration LH*****. I used to live in the same street as LH and although the car changes the reg does not!! Her husband was driving it today and as he does not really know me I did not wave or toot my horn! On my way home I went to Kohls to buy S's birthday present, what a deal $35 for 3 very smart pairs of cords! As I left Kohls, which is high up above P, there was a really beautiful sunset and I could see a hot air ballon floating over Blk Mntn. I made my way home and at the almost last set of lights before our house I noticed that the car in front of me was LH***** again!! Well I thought that was interesing. Oh and the hot air balloon had to make an emergency landing in the middle school's playing field right by the road.